About British Ornithologists’ Union
The BOU is one of the world’s oldest and most respected ornithological organisations with an international membership stretching across all continents.
BOU came to Douglass Digital with a 6 year old WordPress website that was no longer fit for purpose. The original website was using Woocommerce to manage membership subscriptions and the underlying software was not being updated.
Membership website solution
Douglass Digital have created an engaging new society website for the BOU which incorporates Memberpress for taking care of all of BOU’s membership subscriptions. Members can choose to pay either by Recurring Credit Card or Direct Debit via GoCardless. We developed a completely custom theme which has been built efficiently meaning that the website performs well when under pressure some features include:
- Paperless Direct Debit Processing of Membership Subscriptions.
- Event Bookings
- Member only content
- Online shop
- Mailchimp Integration
- Dynamic Blog Content
It has been a pleasure working with the BOU on this membership website, sharing our ideas and experience gained developing websites for small membership organisations and societies. We are extremely proud of the final outcome and look forward to continue our working relationship with the BOU.
Visit the site
Douglas Digital have been fantastic, both in delivering our new-look website and associated member area, which we are incredibly proud of, but also in the maintenance and development support they continue to provide us. We feel in very safe hands!
Leila Walker, British Ornithologists’ Union